Difference between Bodyguards and Executive Protection Agents

Many people believe that when they need protection, they can simply call up an executive protection agency and request a bodyguard or two for the next day. However, this isn’t how we provide our clients with the best protection. Part of our protection services is about matching our agents with our clients for the best possible results. Attributes of […]

Cost to Hire Private Security?

On Location Security

The world is an unpredictable place, and for a lot of us, it can be a dangerous one as well. This is true for most of us, but those who live normal lives are often insulated from the bigger threats in the world because there’s no real reason for them to become a target. If […]

Executive Security Officers

The Role of a Executive Security Officer – Perspectives from Fortune 200 Leaders Leading the security operations for an entire organization involves a certain level of flexibility — one that isn’t fully realized until you’re in the shoes of a Chief Security Officer (CSO). While this position takes on a variety of titles depending on […]

Patrol Charlotte North Carolina

What Does a Security Guard Do?

Security Patrol Services Explained: Patrol is a standard, yet an important service offered by most security firms. In a nutshell, patrol can be summed up as guarding a specific area by frequently walking or driving around the premises in order to monitor activities and potential threats. Security patrol is an often underappreciated but vitally important part of […]

VIP Executive Protection

Protecting executives today is about much more than physically shielding them from danger. The cyber security risks are higher than ever, and organizations need to ensure that the network and data access many high-level executives have doesn’t become an easy entry point for attackers. CSOs and CISOs need to make executive protection a high priority […]

Private Security North Carolina

Let’s face it. Cybercriminals are smart. They’re aggressive, persistent, and opportunistic. They can sniff out an open port—a device running outdated software—and use it to invade the network. With cyberattacks on the rise, companies need to continually assess threats and adjust their cybersecurity posture accordingly. So, who decides what cybersecurity policies and procedures to implement […]